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Data. Food. People. 

A collection of data-driven mapping of NewYork City to build a narrative of finding connections between people from diverse
ethnic and religious backdrops using food as a unifying element.

Collaborator: Katelyn Gregorowicz

Identifying the locality

After we have narrowed down Manhattan and Brooklyn as our
localities for research, we have studied their development over time
and their fundamental demographic structures through maps,
spatial analysis, and charts.

This layering of information has helped us identify patterns in the
convergence of communities and cultures. We have further
recognized several spheres of the population, gender, religion and
religious buildings using tools and existing databases and assets
from SAVI to GIS.

Critical Response

By executing research through design, using visual treatment in
the form of charts and infographics, we further identied the
intrinsic need for human connections in the city. The data
demonstrated that the planes that were least likely to correlate
were religion and dating and how segregated people are in the
city. We wanted to bring a modern twist to let people
experience other people’s backgrounds. In this day and age
with such dierent viewpoints in the world, we wanted to
create an open space and experience to understand each other
truly and to build bridges to connect with new people.

Design Process

Designing a social response that brings together people from
diverse ethnic and religious backdrops using spatial and
culinary experiences using deconstruction as a methodology.
Deconstructing the food to fuse multiple cuisines while being
respectful of the dietary beliefs of one another, we created
dishes combining elements from dierent religions.
Avoiding traditional colors, and using modernized aspects to
reect the interpretation of the re-imagined religious
culinary experience.

A prevalent spice palette to   understand the commonalities in food   despite being from dierent cultural backgrounds and geographical locations.

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